Anonymize IP address of WordPress comments

Anonymize IP address of WordPress comments

In the context of the European privacy policy regulations some regulations for web page owners a …

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Remove the URL field in the WordPress comments form

As we know, comments are often misused by website visitors to get external links. Outgoing links …

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Add WordPress images to the RSS feed

By default, if you have enabled the WordPress RSS feed, images will not be included in the RSS f …

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Custom image sizes for your WordPress theme

WordPress has 5 default formats for image sizes, which are automatically created every time afte …

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Customize the default WordPress Image Compression

WordPress uses its own compression for images that are uploaded directly into WordPress. This ha …

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Customize or Modify the WordPress Post Excerpt

WordPress comes with own functions, such as get_the_excerpt() or the_excerpt(), to output a shor …

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Load WooCommerce Templates from Plugin files

By adding a ../wp-content/themes/my-theme/woocommerce/ folder to a WordPress theme, WooCommerce …

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